In 2016 the established association, which groups medical associates in Belgian Professional Football (1A & 1B devision) started under the name BFDA. We originate from the VBCC which established for 25 years the foundation in the approach of various football medical injuries. By grouping sport doctors, orthopedic surgeons, physical doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, performance coaches and others, we aim to act as a platform for knowledge sharing and gathering. We conduct studies, organize conferences and meetings and try to take initiatives related to the medical field.
Aftermovie congress BFDA 2021
Aftermovie congress BFDA 2019
Aftermovie congress BFDA 2018
Aftermovie congress BFDA 2017
- Nick Jansen: chairman
- Kristof Sas (Team doctor Red Devils, consultant Royal Antwerp FC & medical committee KBVB): vice-chairman
- Jan Van Damme (Physiotherapist Royal Antwerp FC): treasurer
- Stijn Indeherberge (Sports doctor, Adlon Center & consultant football): scientific cell
- Stijn Lintermans (Head of physical development KV Mechelen youth)
- Peter Catteeuw (Physical coach Royal Antwerp FC)
- Elke Van Den Steen (Sport Medicine Physician / Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation / Medical Coordinator Belgian Female Football Team / UEFA Medical Committee Member)
- Karolien Lemmens (Health & Performance coördinator RFBA, teamarts Red Flames)
Jente Wagemans: Physiotherapist & Doctorol researcher
Arne Van Gils: arts in opleiding
If you would like to become a BFDA member, you can do so by paying a membership fee on account number BE 54 0018 2825 6097 in the name of BFDA. The membership fee is 100 euros for doctors, 75 euros for paramedics. We’ll send an invoice afterwards.
Want to learn all about BFDA and our past events?
Scroll through the timeline to discover all about us.
March 8, 2017
October 10, 2017 Event regarding groin injury at Brussels Expo
June 25, 2018 Event regarding GDPR & New Trends In Modern Sportmedical Approach at Tubize Belgian Football Center
September 4, 2018 BFDA Congress regarding “Hamstring lesions” at KBVB Brussels
June 20, 2019 BFDA Congress regarding “Mental aspects in football” at Tubize Belgian Football Center
October 8, 2019 BFDA Congress regarding “Controversies in professional football” at KBVB Brussels
April 29, 2020 BFDA Congress cancelled due to COVID-19
December 22, 2020 BFDA webinar
November 9, 2021 BFDA presents: Controversies around the foot & ankle
November 17, 2022 BFDA presents: “Acute knee injuries in football”
April 16, 2024 BFDA presents: “Where are we now?”
Start of Belgian Football Doctors & Associates
1st symposium
2nd symposium
3rd symposium
4th symposium
6th symposium
7th symposium
8th symposium
9th symposium
10th symposium
11th symposium
More to be announced!
You can register soon for the event on April 1th 2025.
Want to know more? Check for updates or follow our official Facebook-page and Instagram-account.
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